Bree's LOST blog

"Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here -- this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink." ~"Live Together, Die Alone"

Monday, September 11, 2006

Gimmie a "Klugh"

I've been progressing my way through the episodes of S3, and I just finished rewatching "The 23rd Psalm," the Eko-centric episode where Charlie takes Eko back to the fallen Beechcraft, and they encounter the black-smoke-monster-thing in the jungle. If you already haven't done so, I strongly suggest that you go back through that part where they show what's in the smoke, and do it frame by frame. You'll notice a bunch of different images that I think will prove to be of some interest later on. While I was going back through and looking at those images, it occurred to me that perhaps the woman who is seen in the smoke was none other than Ms. Klugh, one of The Others who appears toward the end of S2. Apparently, I wasn't the only one with such thoughts.

Other (heh heh, no pun intended) theories have circulated about Klugh (though many of them seem farfetched at best): she's Eko's long lost sister or somehow related to him, that she's the real Henry Gale's wife, etc. Most, however, want to attach an anagramical (is that a word?) significance to her name. In the S2 finale, "Tom," the Other with the fake beard, refers to her as "Bea." Bea Klugh. Everyone seems to be like, "Oh, it must BE A CLUE." C'mon people, I think they're a bit more subtle than that. While I DO think that this character will (obviously) have more significance in the upcoming season, I think most of these theories are way off the mark. People have also commented on the fact that she says to Michael almost exactly what Walt's mom's lawyer (got that?) says to him in the episode "Adrift:" "For someone who wants his son back so badly, you don't seem to know much about him, Michael." Ohmigod, alert the presses, the whole mystery has been blown wide open!! OK, not really. It's certainly interesting to note, and maybe it will prove to be of importance later. If we even see Michael and Walt again in the present instead of flashbacks.

P.S. I forget exactly what it was I was watching (maybe some sort of bonus feature), but I totally do not remember Vincent being on the boat with Michael and Walt when they pulled away from the dock, but there he was, looking all doggy-like. How did that happen? It's not like Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, and Michael just brought him along for the trek across the island to Camp Other. Directing glitch or intentional? Hmmmm.....

As I make my way through the rest of the episodes, I'll keep everyone updated on my findings and subsequent theories. I'll have to look into this whole "Klugh" thing a bit more thoroughly, and see if she was, indeed, the woman in Eko's smoke. (Though, it should be said.... just because she's black doesn't mean she has anything to do with either Eko or Michael. Think outside the box here people.)


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