The Little Prince
LOST LESSON NUMERO UNO: Always pay attention to the "Previously, on LOST..." segments. They will provide all your answers.
Or maybe just MOST of them. Because, honestly, after seeing that, who DIDN'T know that it was going to be Claire's mom hanging in the hotel room? (Maybe it was just me, but that hotel looked an awful lot like the one in which Locke met up with his dad way back when...) But, as usual, LOST threw out the red herring to throw us off the scent. (Ew. Scent. Fish. Bad metaphor, Clegg!)
So anyway, last night's "The Little Prince" gave those of us who were about to start bleeding our brains out our noses, too, time to slow down and figure out WTF (what the frak) is going on. Charlotte came to, only a little worse for wear after her face plant last week, but was ultimately joined by both Miles and Juliet later in the episode in the nosebleed department. The castaways also did their fair share of time jumping last night: their transfer from 1954 jumped ahead to by 50 years to 2004, about a month after their crash landing on the island to the night Boone died, Aaron was born, and Locke was demanding answers from the Hatch. After hearing screaming in the jungle, Sawyer trekked ahead to investigate, only to peep in on Kate delivering Claire's little bundle-o-joy. After his somber peep show, the castaways jumped to a point in time after the O6 left the island. Someone else seemingly has shown up, however, as indicated by an Ajira Airlines water bottle stowed in the outrigger they stumbled upon on the now-reappeared beach camp. Then, whilst rowing said outrigger to the Orchid station, where Locke wants to see what's what, they jump again back to 1988, when 16 years old and pregnant Danielle Rousseau and her band of merry scientist men are shipwrecked on the island.
Through all that, the castaways have realized the need to talk it out. (I swear, some of the moments between people last night could have made for some serious therapy sessions.) Locke and Sawyer dwell on the past, and how it has affected their present/future, and ultimately, (as Sawyer later tells Juliet) what's "done is done." Daniel seems to know more about Miles than he's letting on: after Miles reveals that he, too, is bleeding from his brain, Daniel lets on that Miles has (most likely) been to the island before, providing more fodder for the message boards that Miles is Marvin Chang's baby, and was born on the island. Juliet and Sawyer have a heart-to-heart, after which she, an island-dwelling Other for years on end, starts nosebleed-ing, too. My question on that is this: Was her feel-good convo with Sawyer the thing that started her decline? We all know that their relationship is moving toward expanding the love triangle on the island, but after Sawyer pretty much professes his undying love for Kate, does that start to unravel constant-less Juliet?
Meanwhile, the O6 are getting along just swimmingly. And by "swimmingly," (do I get extra points for using it TWICE?!) I mean totally not so. Kate tries to strike a bargain with the lawyer (who has made a stunning recovery from his death by chemical-plant insecticide on last week's 24!) out for her and Aaron's blood, Sayid has his hands full trying to avoid another dose of horse tranqulizer darts, Hurley's kickin' it in a bright orange jumpsuit, Sun's playing babysitter (remind me never to leave my child with a vengeful, pistol-toting woman who's going to let him loose on the candy in the mini-bar and plop him in front of the TV) to Aaron while Kate stalks the lawyer, and Jack's busy trying to make Kate trust him again, while almost cluing Claire's mom in on something (namely, that that famous kid is her grandson!) about which she has no clue. Fast forward to the end, and all the above mentioned folks (with the exception of Hurley, of course) meet up on the docks of Long Beach with the world's winningest master manipulator, Ben. Kate (finally) puts two and two together and realize that it's Ben siccing the law on her, then the camera cuts to Sun, clutching her chocolate-box pistol ready to bust a move.
The show closes with answering a burning question: JIN IS ALIVE! YAY! Though, he must not understand as much English as he thought, because did that woman just say her name was DANIELLE ROUSSEAU? I have to admit, although I totally knew it was Jin floating all Leo-like before the shipwrecked crew flipped him over.
Overall, a good let's-talk-this-out episode, but after last night, I'm ready for some more mind-blowing action next week. Bring it, LOST, bring it on.
I enjoyed this episode more than the last, although they all rate right up there. Yeah, I shoulda seen the connection between the opening recap and Claire's mom resurfacing at some seedy hotel. Ben's still a badass, which is good television.
Until next week....
I've already warned you once about using "frak". This is your last warning...
I don't know who Anne is, but I will certainly agree with her nonetheless. I totally enjoyed this episode - maybe even more so than any of the others this season. Although finding out Widmore was acutally an Other gave me one of the biggest WTF moments of my life haha.
There was just something very gripping about the dynamic between Jack and Kate as well as how they were totally taken advantage of by Ben. Thereby cementing the fact that - aside from Jack - Ben is the undoubtedly the most intruiging character on the show.
Also, am I the only one not getting why they keep saying the island is moving back in forth in time because the O6 left? To my knowledge, the island started shifting because Ben turned the Donkey Wheel, right? Or are they saying this because Ben turned the wheel after the O6 left just to make sure that even if they slipped the beans on what happened, the island would still be protected? But, then again, we learn Jacob wants John to move the island way before they leave, and if thats the case, why would John beg Jack to lie to everyone if he knew the island was going to be protected from outsiders due to John moving the island?
Speaking of John, that is totally the hotel his dad stayed at.
This show continues to blow my mind each day and it is hard to predict what will happen. (remember the days when we all thought the survivors were actually dead and stuck in purgatory? - yeah, how's that one workin for us?) We simply don't have enough information to logically guess what the outcome will be. Prime example - Chuck Widmore being an Other which once again inspires me to ask, "WTF?"
That said, I have stopped trying to figure it all out and started to enjoy the ride for what it is because I have faith the writers will answer all the lurking questions. You should try it to :) Its actually very...liberating.
By the way, totally happy about Jin. Again though, am I the only one who doesn't really care about Rousseau and what happened to her crew? Not looking forward to that snippet of the show.
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Yes, I know I said I would stop trying to figure out the show, but I have a follow up question about the O6. Well, consider this as a clarification as opposed to me trying figure it out....
We have been bombarded with the idea that the left behind need the O6 to return to the island. (Charlie talking to Hurley at the hospital, Christian's phone call to Kate at the house, etc. etc.) Even John is convinced that the island will stop moving if the O6 come back to the island.
But, how will this prevent any further time shifts? Like I said before, the shifts are the primary result of Ben turning the wheel - not the 06 leaving. If they came back, wouldn't they simply be traveling through time with the island as the other survivors are?
Another great blog, Bree...and Blake, on your last post, that's what I'm wondering too! How will O6 coming back to the island help anyone with anything?! Wouldn't it just mean they're all lost in time with their noses bleeding? How does Des get back, as well? Maybe Penny and the baby will go to the island this time, too. Who knows. I'm so confused I'm almost annoyed. I liked last week's episode, but they're just stringing us along and creating more confusion. As my good friend (and the author of this blog) knows, I like happy, wrapped-up endings. And right now I'm worried my LOST dream finale won't come true and I'll be left wondering WTF (*frak*) happened.
Still holding out for a happy ending,
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