It's time...
There comes a time when you just have to admit to yourself that you have no earthly idea what is going on on this show. For me, that time came at 10:02 PST on February 7, 2008. Congratulations, LOST, you win!
"Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here -- this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink." ~"Live Together, Die Alone"
Andrew has recently gotten into Lost. We watched the recap show last week to bring us up to speed, but we had to pause it often so Andrew could ask some clarifying questions. Right at the point where a newcomer learned that Claire's baby's name is Aaron, he paused it and started at me. Like STARED. As if he had just figured out who exactly was the second gunman on the grassy knoll .
"Like... Aaron ?"
"yep. She said she liked the name before"
"Is that written somewhere? Like in a journal from when she was 13?"
While my chronicles of teenage angst have been destroyed, I can assure you that I did not, in fact, name my child after a LOST character. My mother can attest. I had the name first!!!!! Stupid Aussie. Ooh, but I like their cheese fries. :)
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