Bree's LOST blog

"Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here -- this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink." ~"Live Together, Die Alone"

Monday, March 19, 2007

Stupid Little Claire...

I tried really, really hard to dislike this episode, since it featured my least favorite character ever in the history of TV. (Sorry, I'm having a love affair with italics recently...) Be that as it may, my plan failed. "Par Avion" was good, dammit. And you know why it was good? Hmm? Because it showed both sides of the island!! I have been saying this for a few posts now, but I really think the show is better when it doesn't focus on one thing in particualr. Speaking of things I have already mentioned...

Oooh, Jack and Claire are half siblings! I never! Who saw that coming?! I never would've thought... oh, wait, wait.... sorry, my bad... yes, yes, I did see that coming. From like, a gabillion miles away. Is this the part where I say "I told you so?" Oh, ok then. I TOLD YOU SO.

Ahem. Sorry. I'll put the sarcasm away and save it for another day. (Yeah, right.)

OK, on to other things. What's going on with John Locke? First, he makes off with some C-4 from Patchy's house, then he's pushing people through sonic... pole... things... (yeah) that make people foam at the mouth and bleed from the ears. (P.S. Sorry, JLS, not seeing what you are, I'm pretty sure the dude's dead...) While we all expected Locke to use Patchy as a human testing device for the sonic... fence... thing... , who here can honestly say that they expected what happened to actually happen?! Not me, and I know everything. Personally, I think John was just pissed off that Patchy almost outed his secret about being paralyzed. Speaking of which, I'm still freakin' curious to know how The Others know all that stuff about our 815ers, and what the hell that "list" is all about. Patchy also seemed to refer to the mysterious "him" that Benry spoke about back in season 2. "The man who brought us all here is a genius..." (paraphrase). Um, was he referring to
this guy, the one who brought Juliet to the island after her hubby was killed? (P.S. No, Chante, sorry, he's not the same doctor who was stitching Claire up after her little accidente.) Perhaps, but probably not. I believe we're looking for a guy named Jacob to fit that bill (as in "Shepard wasn't even on Jacob's list" uttered by Danny while Jack was performing Ben's surgery, and "God loves you as He loved Jacob" from Karl's brainwashing/rave room), and that guy's name was Richard Alpert. Like so many other unanswered questions, I think further speculation on this one will have to be saved for another day.

With the exception of the super highly predictable revelation from Claire's flashback, past tales of the blonde idiot yielded nothing further, other than her mom was in a coma from a car accident. The only question that raised to me was this: While being questioned by the cop, Claire stated that she was the one drving, and that the truck had forced them off the road. She even admitted the accident was her fault to her mother at the end. But riddle me this: When Claire woke up after the accident, she was in the passenger seat, and her mother had been ejected from the vehicle. And when Claire climbed out of the car to get to her mother, she climbed through the hole in the driver's side windshield, where we saw the front end of the car had been smashed in. That, to me, doens't add up with Claire's statement. If the car had been forced off the road, wouldn't the damge to the car either been on the side or the back of the vehicle? And if Claire was driving, how was she not thrown from the car through the gaping hole on the driver's side? Something just doesn't seem right there. I think we'll have to revisit that at a later time.

P.S. Who the heck is Christian Shepard?! I've never heard of a doctor advocating euthanasia, so his whole "there are other method's of relieving [Claire's mother's] pain." Um, what now? That seems odd, and suggests that we aren't quite done with Christian Shepard yet, either.

Finally, next week's "The Man from Tallahassee" will finally explain how Locke ended up in that freaking wheelhair. That, however, is not what has me on the edge of my seat.
Do Jack and Kate finally get their moment?! Watch this, and you'll be with me. (Except MKO-G and other Jate haters.)


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