Meet Kevin Johnson
I'm a rebel. An honest-to-Jack, 100%, goes-against-the-grain-and-the-popular-opinion rebel. And why, you ask? ...
OMG, I HATED last night's episode.
I am an avid LOST fanatic. But, most of you already know that, since you're here, reading this blog. But last night's return-of-Michael episode was so boring that I alternated between watching the TV and the inside of my eyelids. And here's why:
- The oft-used LOST convention of guilt-ridden characters who have dead people appear to them as apparitions is just getting old. On a scale of 1 to 10, how surprised was I to see omg! It's Libby!? Answer: -5.
- I'm very angry with the Island currently, seeing as how it won't "let" Michael kill himself. Let him do it! It will make the season more interesting! We've done pretty well without him for the past 1.5 seasons! We don't need him! It will make me stop using italics!
- I was all psyched up, rearin' and ready to go for "Meet Kevin Johnson," the last script completed before the writers' strike went all official-like. Thankfully, I only have to wait 5 weeks (but at 10:00?! That's, like, 2 hours past my bedtime!!) instead of 5 months for a new episode, but were that not the case, I can't be sure I would have missed the show during it's hiatus. It wasn't exacly as cliff-hanger-y as is typical with LOST.
- Speaking of the aforementioned "cliffhanger," THAT was totally predictable too!! Last week's teaser eerily foretold of a character's death, and they tried to throw you off the scent early in the episode when "Kevin" told Sayid and Desmond (sidenote: This week's quote of the week goes not to any one of our beloved characters, but to Doc Jensen's stand-in who accurately notes "All [Desmond] seems to do is follow Sayid around and look perplexed.") that his sole purpose on the freaky freighter is to die. Boo. Whatver. Boring. THEN, in a completely inappropriate turn of events, the Powers That Be offed one of the most interesting characters on the show (and you know, her daughter's boyfriend, too)! Though Rousseau wasn't the most regular character on the series, I was still looking forward to her backstory. We still have minimal knowledge on how the Black Rock came to the island, nor do we know anything about the "sickness" she claimed took the lives of her fellow crewmates, among them her husband. And, one would think that after 16 effing years on the island, she would have figured out how NOT to go flailing around in the jungle and get shot. Also, how out of character was it for her to actually listen to Ben and go out in a blind search-for-a-safe-haven-called-The-Temple? Puh-leeze. Shame on you, Darlton. Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done for the next five weeks.
So yeah. Totally disappointed with last night's episode. But, obviously, that doesn't mean I won't go back and re-watch it and throw things at the TV again. I mean, I do have the next five weeks to wallow in my misery.
What a passionate posting. I'm starting to think you like that show more than me . . .
But at the risk of further incurring your wrath, I will disagree on a few minor points:
-okay, I didn't jump up and go "WTF???????" at the end like I have for pretty much all the other episodes thus far. But I don't think it was as tedious as you make it out to be, because we still got a few new tidbits of information to chew on, such as . . .
-I am not 100% convinced as to who, exactly, is behind the fake crash site. I'm capable of believing that Whidmore wants the powers of the island for some nefarious purpose, and he certainly has the resources to fake the plane crash. BUT the chopper pilot on the freighter acted as if the crew was going to FIND the real crash site, with some unnamed third party faking the one on TV. Either the pilot isn't in on the conspiracy, or Whidmore didn't fake the crash. I am ALSO capable of believing Ben faked the crash to divert attention from the Island. He, too, seems to have the resources. And I don't know what screwy moral compass he follows, but his claim that the Others have never killed innocent people doesn't hold water. How about that unnamed survivor who, after Charlie and Clair were kidnapped, was pulverised to death as a warning? Or the Tailie that Ana Lucia put in the cage, thinking he was an Other, who was then murdered by Juliet's paramour to cover up his own Otherness? There are probably others I'm forgetting. Point is, I wouldn't put it past Ben to dig up the bodies and dump the plane in the ocean himself, to protect the Island, Jacob, and his own interests.
-Rousseau might not be dead (for that matter, Carl might not be either, though I sort of hope he is: he's even more useless than that couple from season 3 that got buried alive). Yeah, she took a round through the right boobie and looks convincingly motionless on the ground. But how many other people on the Island have been shot/stabbed/beaten within an inch of their life and survived? Let's see: Locke and Sawyer both took a round and lived to fight another day. Naomi got a knife in her spine, but was still alive enough to crawl away and warn the freighter. Ethan left Charlie strung up and almost dead; turns out he was still partly alive. So, until I see someone put Rousseau in the ground, she's not dead.
-my guess is that the helicopter is missing because it dropped off that mercenary team on the island, who then shot up Rousseau and Carl. Or could the Others have killed those two, since they were never really part of the 'family' anyway?
-don't remember Old Gray Hair's name (the guy who sent Michael on his suicide mission) but I totally knew he was gay when back when he told Kate she 'wasn't his type'. Called it.
-speaking of Kate, don't take this the wrong way, but she's particularly hot this season. I don't know if it's the longer, tangly, yet still soft and seductive mane of hair, or the fact that she looks great wearing pretty much anything (or nothing), but she's smoking. Come on, you'd do her too.
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