Bree's LOST blog

"Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here -- this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink." ~"Live Together, Die Alone"

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham...

...was completely boring.

Apologies for the tardiness of this recap. Things have been a bit crazy this week.

So anyway, it seems that I am in the minority on this one. I thought "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" pretty much gave us nothing that we didn't already know (or assume). Surprised when Locke showed up alive on the island after the Ajira Airways crash? Nope. And really, there wasn't all that much going on anyway. Locke goes to visit Sayid. Asks him to come back to the island. Sayid says no. Goes to visit Kate. Asks her to come back to the island. She says no. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Furthermore, I'm not even sure Locke dropped his pseudonym when he visited any of those people. So why the secrecy with his name? Why, when Walt visited Hurley in the institution last year, did he say "Why aren't we calling him by his real name" or something to that effect? Makes me think the producers didn't include ALL of Locke's journey.

But the stuff they did include was rather boring, truth be told. Raise your hand if you really cared about what happened to Helen? Bueller..... Bueller.....? (Raise your hand if you even REMEMBER what she looked like!)

What did we get? Uh...Abaddon is the devil. Like, for real. Some sort of mythological character, ushering people to their deaths or something. Charles Widmore is a good guy, Ben is the bad guy? Or Ben is the good guy, and the Chuckster is evil? I don't know. Lapidus took off in an outrigger after Ajira crashed. Wanna bet Sun is with him? (There goes my theory that Cesar and Ilana, or so they're named, were the ones pursuing Sawyer and Co.!)

So, after nothing happens, Locke tries to hang himself. Ben shows up just in time to talk him off the ledge, then kills him himself. Seemingly, as soon as Locke name dropped Eloise Hawking, Ben felt it necessary to strangle him. But other sources are going with the notion, that similar to Michael, the island won't let John commit suicide. 

Whatever. Boring!

Here's hoping that next week's "LaFleur" is a little bit more blog-worthy. I hope so! Reiko Aylesworth (a.k.a. Michelle Dressler from 24) starts her recurring character arc. Weeeee!


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