The Glass Ballerina
My humble apologies, devoted readers: this past week has been busy, and, when not busy, filled with snot (sexxxxxxxxxy....). (Although, according to my mother, advanced pregnancy coupled with head colds and various other ailments and afflictions do not a valid excuse make!) Anyway, enough of that, and on to the good stuff...
So it appears that our Korean "good girl" is anything but! (*insert shocking gasp here*) When we last left Sun and Baldy (what's his real name? Jae?), the air was fraught, fraught, I tell you, with sexual tension. Heh, looks like they worked out that tension pretty well, eh? One pearl necklace and a surprise visit from Daddy Dearest (eeeek! How uncomfortably squirmy! I still maintain immaculate conception!!) later and we're back to present Islandtime, where Sun apparently hasn't yet learned her lesson and soldiers on in her rebellious wife behavior, disagreeing with Jin and aiding Sayid in his as-yet-unsuccessful rendezvous with Jack.
Whew. That's a lot to take in just the first few minutes of the episode, but hey, at least we have an answer to one of our ever-increasing questions: yes, Sun is an adulterous blot, and has just lost 10 cool person life points in the Book 'O Bree. Tsk, Tsk. In true LOST form, however, they (who? THEY) would never answer a question without raising yet another one: now that we know Sun and Baldy did the dirty deed, just who is the father of her baby? Later in the episode, we find out that our favorite castaways have been on the island (mon) for 69 days, and, in my personal opinion, that's a long time to not know you're preggo. Whatever, you know they'll come up with something completely out of left field; it'll end up being Locke's baby or something ridiculous. (Ewwww.... mental picture.)
Before we close this week's book on Jin and Sun, Baldy's "suicide" must be discussed. Am I the only one thinking that it was just a little too convenient that Baldy just happened to fall to his death.... on top of Jin's car? Am I alone in thinking that he wasn't entirely alone in room 1516 (didja catch that one?!) when he went up and over, pearls in hand? Somebody, somewhere (sorry, the link escapes me presently) claims to have seen Daddy Dearest a lil' roughed up at the funeral, perhaps indicating a bit of a brawl a few days prior? Hmmmm? However, my rewatching of the show as well as careful scrutiny of no less than 742 screencaps (.... what?! FYI, I prefer "thorough" as opposed to "obsessive" thankyouverymuch. It's all about the connotation, people!) availed nothing of the sort. Bottom line: I think we'll find out later that Baldy had a little, uh.... assistance in his downfall. (Haha, get it? Down... fall?! Oh, I just crack myself up sometimes!) Oh, and P.S., Sayid, I'm not entirely convinced that it's a good idea to head back to Survivor City by trekking through the jungle in the middle of the night. That might come back to bite you in the bum. Just a thought.
Now, it must be said that ANY show that is already supremely spectacular couldn't, in all likelihood, better itself. Then along came LOST. By showing that final out, that ground ball to Foulk, those final seconds of the Greatest Comeback in the History of Sports, not only did LOST cease to be simply A Show That is Incredibly Awesome and and Obviously Addicting Because Let's Face It, Would I Really Waste My Time Blogging About a Mediocre Show? to The Best Show of All Time Ever. Period, but it made me cry. And I'm not afraid to admit that. And that's all I have to say about that.
OK, on to our other captors. Wait. Sorry. CaptIVES. (Sorry, antibiotics, messing with my head.) First, a disclaimer: I am a Jater. I have refused to give up, but it seems that the Skaters have won this round. (And I do have to admit, that fish-biscuit-y kiss was pretty hot.) Sigh. I won't give up hope, though. Anyway, so here we thought Sawyer was being all clever, creating a diversion by tickling Kate's tonsils to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of our Other-ly compatriots, but then he had to go all shootin' his mouth off (typical of a Cherokee alum, I must add) so our voyeur-tastic buddy, Benry, is now in the loop as well. Smart, Sawyer, real smart.
OK, I need to wrap this up. The rest of my thoughts, bullet-point style:
* Alex + Carl = huh?
Star crossed lovahs? The Others found out about their secret romance and punished them by locking Carl in a cage and stealing Alex's dress?
*Colleen = rhymes with "witch" (I'm tryin', Ma!) Her and Danny (Denny?) got a lil' sumthin' sumthin' goin' on. Also (as much as I would wish it upon her), I don't think she's dead.
*Jack = Holy apathy, Batman! Perk up, Jackie!
Looking forward to next week, with the return of the rest of our survivors, as well as someone unexpected. Muahaha.
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