Bree's LOST blog

"Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here -- this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink." ~"Live Together, Die Alone"

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Close but no cigar...

Currently in Houston, visiting Ian's family, but I will be back in San Diego tonight, hopefully in time for tonight's episode. I thought, however, that a few of you might be interested to know that my connecting flight from Austin to Houston was flight 814. Dammit! SO close...

Well, anyhoo, tonight should be very exciting.... we have the return of the rest of them, and, apparently, it's a Locke-centric episode which will feature the return of a very dear (and departed) friend from season 1. Today's USA Today blurb reminds us where we left off with each of the survivors, which, in my mind raises a few questions for which to seek the answers tonight:

1) Given Juliet's statement last week that "Sailing around in circles will keep them busy" (here referring to Sayid, Jin, and Sun) makes me think that Michael and Walt won't be getting too far in their little dinghy...
2) USA Today reminded me that Claire and Charlie, when we last left them, had just kissed. It also reminded me how much I don't care about either of them.
3) Hurley had just been chosen The Weakest Link by Miss Klugh.... where'd she take off to?
4) I hope Eko beats someone with his Jesus stick tonight. (Preferably, Claire and/or Charlie.)

:) Happy viewing


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