Bree's LOST blog

"Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here -- this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink." ~"Live Together, Die Alone"

Monday, May 14, 2007

B.Y.O.T. (Bring Your Own Theory)

As the self-proclaimed (and nationally recognized) Queen of All Things LOST, I bring you this first installation of B.Y.O.T. Those of you who recognize my status as Better Than You When It Comes to LOST, have, week after week, tuned into breegetslost to read my theories and ramblings on the show. The tables have turned, my friends, the tables have turned. Here, now, are YOUR thoughts and theories (in my words, your thoughts):

~After reading my most recent posting on "The Man Behind the Curtain," Ma thinks that I'm right. (Well, obviously!!) Sawyer will be the one to bite the big one and join our other dearly departed on Boone Hill. She also thinks that Kate is pregnant with his child. Well, so does everyone else, so that's not really groundbreaking; HOWEVER, as Ma notes, it will certainly make that love triangle interesting again, with Jack torn between new lady love Juliet, and pregnant-with-another-man's-child Kate. Or, alternatively, Juliet will be the one making the journey to the great beyond, taking into account the show's apparent pattern of killing off the newbies. Then, we're just back to the original love triangle.

~Now, I couldn't bring myself to get into the whole "LOST experience" thing this past summer as JW did. (Now that, my friends, is commitment!) So he knows a whole lot more than me about the Dharma Inititaive, etc. What I do know is this: Last season, (I believe) we saw Sawyer reading Gary Troup's manuscript, Bad Twin. Apparently, Gary Troup was on 815, and on his way to making it big in Hollywood. Now, there's been much speculation on the name Gary Troup itself, being an anagram for purgatory. JW's theory combines a couple of popular theories. We've discussed on this blog the "alternate universe" theory a few times, and coupling that knowledge with this interesting little tidbit, as well as the fact that "Jacob," of whom we recently caught a glimpse, resembles our friend John Locke just a bit too much, gives us this sound theory:

Everyone on the island has a "Bad Twin." Or at least, someone they could have been in an alternate universe, under different circumstances. And they are brought to this island, which, in fact, is Purgatory to fight for their survival and place in the universe.

I like it!

Now, these are only the theories that have been brought to my attention recently. Call to mind ACOG's theory from back in "Flashes Before Your Eyes." It's certainly something to consider now that there has been speculation on the fact that Suddenly Susan appears not to have aged a day over the course of Ben's childhood! ACOG, you can see the future!!

Then there are the keep-you-guessing tidbits they keep throwing at us that we (more than likely) blow out of proportion. Take, for instance, the ash surronding Jacob's creep hut: a nod to the whole idea of the phoenix rising from the ashes, (and maybe that Hurley bird from last year's season finale was a phoenix?!)? Or yet another biblical reference: "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust?"

Now seeking other theories!! Come on, kids, let have 'em!


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