Bree's LOST blog

"Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here -- this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink." ~"Live Together, Die Alone"

Saturday, May 17, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

So yo. Yo, dawg check it. That was, for me, you know, maybe not the best choice, but dawg, aside from some pitch problems, and bein' all a little over the place, that was totally hot, and you ROCKED THE HOUSE, yo! Welcome to the finals, baby! 

Oops, my bad. Wrong show.

But the sentiment is still the same, nonetheless. 

Now, let me preface this next statement by saying that I am truly humbled to have such a devoted readership as you who honestly look forward to reading what I have to say each week, but before y'all crucify me for not being as timely as you would like me to be in my posting and updating of this blog, please check your bank statements to make sure your support checks have been processed. Oh wait, that's right.... 

Thursday's nobody-in-particular-centric part 1 of season 4's finale, entitled "There's No Place Like Home," gave us a preliminary glimpse into the post-island lives of the Oceanic Six, a name that's "not the best branding as far as [Oceanic] is concerned, but it's catchy." And our fearless band of miscreants seem to have been through some major debrief wherein It (i.e. THE Story) was pounded into their heads in a Karl-esque rave-brainwashing fashion. (As Sun notes, "[They] ARE in shock." And all of them seem to have some sort of issue with it. That is, save for Jack, until he finds out that Whatever He Did involved his sister, Claire, aka Baby Mama to Baby Aaron, currently under the care of his booty call, Kate. His "Ohh em gee. What the eff?" face of utter guilt in the lobby of the church seems to foreshadow beardy Jack on the edge of reason, er, well at least the edge of something. The other survivors have some anger issues going on as well: Sun, with her  (and possibly Jin's?) settlement from Oceanic, buys a controlling interest in her father's company, all in an effort, I would assume, to see the company buckle under. As she notes, her father always hated her husband, and it's because of him that they were even on the plane in the first place. The begs the question of who does Sun consider to be the second party responsible for Jin's death? Ben? Keamy? Widmore? Hurley, in efforts to return to normalcy finds that those gosh-darn numbers just won't leave him the hell alone. Though, in my humble opinion, Hurley's been bound for lunacy ever since his mother told him she "has needs" and welcomed his long-absent father back into her bed. And Kate seems to be helplessly floundering in her efforts to play the role of Mother of the Year. It would seem, then, that Sayid is the only one who is enjoying his post-island sojourn, at least for the time being. His reunion with long-lost love Nadia begs the question of "Shannon who?"

Then there's the whole freighter thing goin' down. I think we're all pretty much in agreement that That Thing we saw being strapped to Keamy's arm last week has something to do with all those explosives rigged up in the radio room. It's been said, and I agree, that the monitoring device on his arm will detonate the explosives on the boat in the event that Keamy's pulse stops. The only question that raises, then, is ... "Whaaaaaaaa?!" I imagine that those instructions were handed down from the "Secondary Protocol" that everyone except for those who need to know about it know about. Since really, how does Daniel, by his own admissio aboard the freighter solely for the purpose of scientific experimentation, have classified knowledge of the Secondary Protocol when the Captain (R.I.P.) didn't even know what it was? Does Daniel play a bigger part in this whole thing than we're giving him credit for? And finally, wouldn't a little dinghy like the one they're ferrying back and forth through specific bearings need a gas up before heading back to the island?

Now, next week LOST isn't showing due, I assume, to the season finales of Grey's Anatomy and Ugly Betty. BUT when LOST returns in two weeks for the two hour finale (ugh, I think I may have to call in to work in order to stay up that late!) expect to have some major questions be answered. Like this one: how do the Oceanic 6, scattered in four different locations at the conclusion of Part One come together to make their exodus from the island? How will John Locke and Co. fare in their Jacob-mandated efforts to move the island? If, as it has been said, Keamy plans to "torch the Island," isn't this whole thing all for not, since if he torches the Island, he'll most likely do so while he's on it, too, thereby killing himself in the process and as a result of that, detonate the explosives on the boat? (Ahh, too many conditionals in that last sentence...) Much in which to look forward, kids! :)

Finally, an OT notation. I would like to welcome my dearest husband back home after a 7 month tour of duty in Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. There's No Place Like Home, indeed.  

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cabin Fever

What. The. Eff?! Those are just my initial thoughts, and there will be more to come, but not right now, since I need to go watch it AGAIN. 

Thursday, May 08, 2008


I am tired. Physically, mentally, emotionally -- I am spent.  And, I'm just going to put this out there.... I might not watch LOST tonight. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, people, the show is on at 10:00 O'CLOCK. That's, like, 3 hours past my bedtime. And I pay extra money per month for a perfectly well-functioning DVR. So, I'm going to watch it. Tomorrow. It will hurt a little bit, yes, and I will die on the inside, but it. Will. All. Be. OK. Tune in on Saturday to be tantalized by my words. 

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Jate Lives!

I know, I know: What kind of person who claims herself to be Queen of All Things LOST takes almost 4 days to post about it on her blog? Well, my answer is this: the mother to a walking, talking (um, sort of), running, climbing, daredevil child whose husband is coming home NEXT WEEK. So there. 

So anyhoo. I know that a few weeks back, I was all jumpin' around, spoutin' off how much I was a fan of Jacket, the pairing of Jack and Juliet, and I was all swoonin' over the fact that Jack was a go-to guy, and I loved the fact that he's about to throw down with Ben and protect Juliet..... you guys know I was just kidding right?! Heh, heh. ... RIGHT?!

So it seems that Jate shippers have gotten their wish and Jack and Kate are JackandKate in the future. Though, I have to admit, I wasn't like, jaw-dropping shocked to see that it was Kate gettin' all Zestfully clean, try though she might to lower her voice by a few octaves to throw us al off course. And, even as that towel was about to become a rather unnecessary barrier between her and Dr. Jack, I was thinking to myself, "Well, we know that THIS won't end well." Because... well, we DO know that it won't end well. We all saw beardy, unkempt Drunk Jack screaming about "go[ing] baaaaaaaaaaack" to the island, so it's safe to say that the current state of domestic bliss we saw on Thursday is only temporary. 

Hmmm, I hear Aaron rustling to consciousness in his crib, so let me check my notes and hit the high points...

Haha, I wrote down that "Rose wants to throw down with Charlotte, and I would PAY to see that catfight." It's true. "Just watch ya tone, Red." And speaking of "Red," I'M SO MAD that I didn't see that coming!! Re-watching with Lo on Friday night, and seeing all those signs of her eavesdropping on what Jin and Sun were saying, I felt like they could have just smacked me upside the head with a bat engraved with "CHARLOTTE SPEAKS KOREAN, DUMBASS" and the effect would have been the same. 

Um, what else...? Oh, Sawyer and Claire. The sudden transformation of Sawyer from brooding, no-longer-has-a-purpose-now-that-he's-killed-Anthony-Cooper into uber-protective, Claire-lovin' tour guide was a bit speedy for me. Not to mention that I'm still oh-so-confused as to why CHRISTIAN SHEPARD KEEPS SHOWING UP EVERYWHERE. That should be a fun reunion though, if/when Sawyer catches up to Claire and Christian, seeing as how Sawyer and Pops shared a (few) bottle(s) of Scotch in the Land Down Under. (Just another random thought: what's with the camera angle at the end of the show? If memory serves correctly, the last time we ended the show on that downward angle, the pilot was a bloody mess in the limbs of the tree... just sayin'.) Doc Jensen's column this week seems to think that Claire actually didn't survive the attack on her New Otherton house, and that she's now some sort of tangible ghost, hence Miles' seemingly creepy interest in her. That would make like a teeny tiny itty bitty amount of sense, and maybe she and Christian are wanderin' around the jungle being ghost buddies, now, but I'm not totally buyin' that. (And I apparently have an aversion to the letter 'g' today, or have reverted to my southern upbringin'.)

And finally, we have to discuss Hurley's "we're all dead" hypothesis. We've been over this before, however, in the Hurley-centric episode, "Dave," where Hurley's imaginary friend told him that he didn't win the lottery, he didn't survive a plane crash, and that there was no way a hot blonde like Libby could be interested in him. (Harsh, yes.) Only this time, it wasn't coming (THERE'S THE G!) from Dave, but rather from Chaalie, who, by the way, left a message for Jack: "You're not supposed to raise him." Aaron, presumably, but riddle me this: What if he means Christian? As in, "You're not supposed to raise him... FROM THE DEAD?!"  Too much of a stretch? OK, you're right.

And finally, other (random) since Aaron is awake AND WANTS TO PLAY:
  • Loie notes, "Where is that electricity coming from?" In reference to the light that was flipped on in the makeshift OR before Jack's surgery, and that, my tall friend, is a VERY good question.
  • The whole Juliet-Kate scene wasn't as weird as everyone seems to think. To me, she knew Jack was awake, and by saying all that stuff to Kate, Juliet was relieving Jack of any obligation or whatever that he may have felt toward her.
  • From JB, at Vistage: Does Jack need to get baaaaaack to the island because there is (literally) a piece of him that was left behind? And on that note, why does the island allow Jack to get sick? Does he, as Rose insinuates, do something to offend The Powers That Be? 
  • I'm fairly certain that whatever favor Kate was doing for Sawyer has something to do with his daughter, Clementine.
  • And finally, the "Alice in Wonderland" references are getting a bit intense. Coupled (Chizzy!) with all the Wizard of Oz references, the series finale is set to be a veritable amalgamation of fiction.
And on that big word, Brown out. :)