Bree's LOST blog

"Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here -- this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink." ~"Live Together, Die Alone"

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Initial Thoughts on The Beginning of the End

My mind can only handle so much--especially after an episode like that. DEFINITELY worth the wait...

Anyway, just a few thoughts to wrestle with before I (attempt to) go to sleep. I promise a more in depth analysis after I've had the chance to a) sleep, b) do my own pondering and/or c) throw in the towel, admit that I'm completely and utterly confused, and do some research to see what other people have to say about 4.01. Dive in...

Hurley has some serious guilt issues going on, that much is clear.  So much so that he's started to go a bit bonkers, seeing a manifestation of his guilt take human form. Well... sorta. Not exactly HUMAN form, more like GHOST form. Hurley has been having visions of Charlie, dearly departed, and uttering cryptic advice from beyond the grave. How Hurley got to this point, i.e. this flashforward, has yet to be determined, since in Island Time, Hurley has aligned himself with Locke's group to honor Charlie's sacrifice. 

Prior to that point, (sorry to be jumping all over the map here, everyone, but just bear with me... I have a point in here somewhere, I promise!) Hurley was seen on the island poking around in a familiar creepy cabin surronded by white ash. That's right, Hurley stumbled upon Jacob's lair in the jungle, and even more surprising, got a good looky loo at him while he was at it... you know, right before someone else got all up in his face, spooked the ever living crap out of him and he turned and ran in the other direction, only to end up... right there at the cabin again. Oh LOST, what you do to me....

Anyway, so getting back to my point, up until this point, only two other people have seen Jacob -- Ben and Locke. Both men are convinced of the island's powers, and both have a "special" quality about them that even allows them to see Jacob in the first place. It would now appear that Hurley has something "special" about him, as well. Now, Hurley's guilt is so palpable, and in his flash forward, there are a number of people trying to get information that he is unwilling to give up out of him, that it leads me to believe that Hurley --perhaps not unlike Ben, who willingly participated in the "purging" of his own people -- has something to do with the other group of survivors not also being rescued. Perhaps Hurley himself sacrificed some of his own people to ensure rescue from the island? Well, until I'm proven worng (which, in true LOST fashion will probably be next week), that's my story.

A few other points of order: What's going on with Kate? Why is she deceiving Jack, stealing the phone from him, and running off into the jungle? Also, Naomi's dying words were to "tell [her] sister that [she] love[s] her." -- Who is this sister? I'm more than willing to bet that it will end up being someone we've seen before. Maybe Nadia? -- Remember, the last time we saw Sayid's girl, she was in the UK, getting saved from a mugger by Charlie. This had to have been before she was in the US, since the information Sayid received about her had her located in L.A., hence Sayid's purpose in being on flight 815 in the first place. 

I'm fading fast here, but want your thoughts on two things: Who is in the cabin with Jacob (or is it, in fact, Jacob himself?) and who are the other 3 survivors to get off the island with Hurley, Jack, and Kate and make up what Hurley calls "The Oceanic Six?"

More to come tomorrow... 


I heard on the radio coming home that HURLEY sees Jacob?! ONE MORE HOUR. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Thought

As I gaze longingly at Jack in January, I'm struck by his quote: "Nobody gets left behind."

Well.... it would appear that that is not the case. Time will tell.

LOST at last!

DISCLAIMER: With Season 4 of LOST upon us, please excuse my random outbursts of emotion in the following.

It's here. It's HERE. 35 long weeks have passed by since we were all thrown into a speechless tizzy, as the pieces all finally came together -- it's a FLASH FORWARD! OMG. REWIND THAT. Since then, we've been able to approach LOST with a clearer mind, an open heart, and, as always, open arms. We've sat begrudgingly through crappy substitutes, muddled our way through the long weeks. But now, NOW, our patience and loyalty are being rewarded. SEASON 4 IS HERE. Set your DVRs, put the kids to bed, and prepare to be dazzled.

Now, I trust that since you've waited with me in anticipation, a little more time won't kill you before we get to the good stuff -- i.e., the tempting spoilers from Season 4. First, we must address all the chewy goodness of Season 3 on DVD, which I trust you all have, by now, procured and poured over in anticipation of The Glorious Return. In no particular order, points of order from Season 3:

  • When last we saw the survivors, Jack had led the group to the radio tower to signal for help with the aid of Naomi's superpowered satellite phone. Despite several obstacles (encountering Ben along the way, the heretofore left-for-dead-in-a-Dharma-purged-mass-grave-in-the-jungle John Locke's impeccable aim resulting in a knife in the back of parachuter extraordinaire Naomi, Junkie rocker Charlie's watery death in an underwater hatch), the survivors manage to turn off Frenchie's distress signal, and make the call to a nearby freighter floating offshore. Desmond is still in The Hydra, the previously mentioned underwater hatch, while Mikhail's fate is still unknown after throwing (floating?) the grenade that ultimately killed Charlie, and Juliet, Sawyer, Sayid, Jin, Bernard, and Hurley are still on the beach, having killed the attacking Others. Then, in a complete mindf*#k, we come to find out that what we previously thought was a flashback in Jack's life is, in actuality, a flash forward.
  • The love square between Kate, Jack, Juliet, and Sawyer became more complicated when Juliet kissed Jack before taking off to the beach, Sawyer told Kate that he hoped she wasn't pregnant with his child, and Jack told Kate he loved her.
  • Grown up Waaaaaaaaaaalt appeared to a dying and suicidal John Locke, shot in the stomach by Ben, telling him to "Get up... You have work to do. " Apparently, that "work" was using Naomi as target practice.
  • Ben has issued an ominous (not anonymous, as I just typed) warning, pleading with Jack not to contact the boat: "If you do, every living person on this island will be killed." Well, shit. Now what?

So there's the highlights from the season finale. Things that remain a mystery:

  • The four toed statue
  • The island's healing powers (i.e., John being paralyzed, Rose being sick, Ben's tumor, Jin's sterility)
  • Where the eff Michael and Waaaaaaalt went on that boat.
  • What the whole Anthony Cooper Ending Up on the Island thing was all about, and how both he and Naomi insist that there were no survivors of flight 815 when the wreckage was found.
  • Who was in the coffin and why that person's death would cause Jack to want to commit suicide, and simultaneously be worthy of Kate's scorn and utter disdain.
  • How Sawyer can still manage to be so damn witty and Jack so damn hot.

Finally, in case you were living under a rock, and missed the finale, and still haven't managed to see it, ABC will be replaying "Through the Looking Glass" tonight starting at 9:00. I've also heard word that there will be text running simultaneously with the broadcast offering hints, things to look for, and general information. Is it just me, or does that sound a lot like Pop-Up Video? Don't get me wrong, I love me some Pop-Up Video. It's like the two Best Things Ever combined into one Extraordinarily Awesome SuperShow. If that's not enough for you, if you're pressed for time, check out the video below for a witty take on Seasons 1-3:

OK, so with all that out of the way on to the good stuff. And I do mean The Good Stuff. Juicy Good Stuff. If you don't want to know, if Spoilers aren't your thing, stop reading now, and enjoy tomorrow night's premiere.

Tomorrow night's premiere, (I get goosebumps just typing that!) entitled "The Beginning of the End," is just that. We're halfway there, people! We have reached the climax, the summit, the apex, all things will now lead to (what we hope will be) a suitable conclusion. Contact with the freighter has been made, but from the rumors swirling around the boards, the other Others will make Ben and Co. seem like cuddly little teddy bears. By now, I'm sure you've seen the trailers of New Guy telling Jack that rescuing the survivors isn't their "primary objective." So, the obvious question that arises out of that, as Jack so eloquently puts it, "...then what is?"

Just what it is, then, will be revealed in the next 8 episodes, from what I hear. I strongly suggest that you pick up this week's edition of TV Guide, which provides a completely tantalizing preview: (entwined with my exclamations of joy, wonder, perplexity)

The premiere picks up on two plot threads left dangling by the finale: potential rescue by the freighter crew and the fallout from the death of junkie rocker-turned self-sacrificing hero Charlie (Dominic Monaghan). Monaghan may no longer be a series regular, but that doesn't mean you won't see him again. "Dead people resurface on our show," Garcia says. (A.K.A Charlie will be back in someone's flashback. Don't get your panties in a wad.)

Jack and Kate weren't the only ones to get off the island. Who else made the cut will be revealed during the eight episodes (one will be ID'd in the season premiere). (Now, to be quite honest, I apparently was so flabbergasted by the season finale, that I didn't even consider the fact that EVERYONE didn't make it off the island. This whole "Select Few" thing didn't occur to me. I just thought it was an All or Nothing. I was wrong.) But as the sight of a broken Future Jack suggested, getting rescued wasn't exactly a ticket to happily-ever-after. (And makes you start to wonder the validity of Ben's claims. Recall the mobisode in which he and Jack are playing chess? In that, Ben states something to the effect that once you leave the island, you just might try to find your way back. Very chilling, in typical Michael Emerson style, but nonetheless, we find his words ring true in last season's finale. )

[...] Another burning Kate question: Who is the "he" referred to by onetime commitment-phobe Kate when she implied to Jack that
someone was waiting for her at home? "Kate's kind of got her s--- together, " Lilly says, "and the reason she's coping quite well is [that person]." Before discovering the answer in the Kate-centric episode's script, the actress, like any fan, had plenty of theories: "I thought it was either Sawyer or a kid. But she seemed wealthier than you might've expected her to be, so I thought maybe she married some rich guy." (Our lips are sealed, except to say that one of Lilly's guesses is correct.)
(Which one? Well, I'm willing to bet it's the kid. My guess is that Sawyer kicks it, whether it's this season or not, and it turns out that Kate actually is preggers with his kid.)

[...] The eight-episode run also holds the key to where traitorous Michael has been seen since last seen sailing off in the Others' boat with son Wa(aaaaaaaaa)lt at the end of season 2. Sources say Michael will prove to be integral to what is currently the season's cliff-hanger-esque Episode 8. (Could it be that Episode 8 will reveal that Michael is the coffin-dweller?!) [...]

And so on and so on. Suffice it to say, this mini season will not only require your utmost attention (uh, hello? Flash forwards AND Flash backs? I'm confused just thinking about it!), but also, as always, your undying patience and loyalty, since there are only 8 episodes before LOST, like so many before it, goes dark due to the ongoing writers' strike. (Though, I did hear tell that talks are going well, and if they continue to do so, the strike could be resolved by the end of the week! YAY, fingers and legs and ankles and everything else crossed!!!)

Finally, no pre-premiere blog post would be complete without general spoilers on the season as well as the premiere. Ask and you shall receive, dear reader!!! (The following courtesy of spoilerfix.)

  • I have it on good authority that someone we thought was killed in the season finale will turn up very much alive in the Jan. 31 premiere. And this person may or may not be [Charlie, Naomi, Patchey, Mr. Friendly.] (My money's on Mikhail. The guy JUST WON'T DIE!! Or Naomi.)
  • In the beginning of season four, Sawyer is... on Team Locke! I can tell you that there are two teams and that the other leader won't surprise you... but Kate's allegiance will. As far as I know, Jin and Sun aren't playing for either team.
  • I've had permission [to reveal] and confirmation from a number of very good sources that the Season 4 premiere of Lost will feature multiple character flashbacks and/or flashforwards
  • Episode 4.02: Confirmed Dead ("Not Penny's Boat" people-centric)Airdate: February 7, 2008
  • Episode 4.03: The Economist (Sayid-centric)Airdate: February 14, 2008
    01/28 - Locke's hostage may be the key to getting off the island, so Sayid and Kate go in search of their fellow castaway in an attempt to negotiate a peaceful deal
    (My guess as to "Locke's hostage?" -- Hurley. Or Jack.)
  • Episode 4.04: Eggtown (Kate-centric)Airdate: February 21, 2008
  • Kate pleads not guilty to a laundry list of crimes, including murder, assault and weapons charges.

Before I bid you adieu, I will offer up my thoughts, theories, and mad stabs in the dark:

1) With the introduction of the flash forward device, I expect that we will be seeing more of Waaaaaaaaaaaalt. That way, after being gone for a few seasons and Malcolm David Kelley having a few birthdays and hitting puberty in between, the writers and producers now have a way to work that into the story.

2) Though I already confessed to not having thought about everybody not making it off the island, it does make sense now. Jack, in perpetual need of something to fix, is trying to make his way back to the island to save those who were left behind. His guilt and remorse, coupled with the death of Whoever Is In The Coffin, are enough to drive him to suicide for his failure to be able to "fix it."

3) The freighter crew are employees (somehow or another) of the Dharma Initiative, seeking out the island to avenge the death of their people. Hence Ben's trepidation at their return.

Well, y'all, that's all I got. At least until tomorrow night, at which point, I'm sure, Darlton and Co. will blow my brains with some fantastic majesty and I will, once again as I have so many times before, be reduced to stammering and drooling.

Happy Premiere Viewing! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

File Under: Things That Are Creepy

I googled myself. (Don't judge me, you've done it, too.) And this is what came up:


Still can't guess why I'm creeped out? Check out the "keyword tags" at the bottom and you'll notice my maiden name.

Friday, January 04, 2008

S3 on DVD and the Return of LOST

The hash marks carved into my bedroom wall served to remind me that the Return of LOST (RoL) is rapidly approaching. And, if you're like me, (and God help you if you are) you're just SO FREAKING EXCITED that you don't care that there are only going to be 8 episodes this "season" instead of the promised 16. I'm sure that as we make our way through those 8 episodes, I'll begin to lament and curse the AMPTP, but for now, I'm basking in the glory of new LOST teasers, and the oh-so-close P-Day (Premiere Day, duh). And oh, there's so much in which to bask...

I have, of late, been preparing myself, albeit with the help of others (no, not THOSE others...) for the upcoming gloriousness that is S4. My Favorite Husband, it must be said, still knows how to treat his lady, even whilst building sand castles in the Middle East. In celebration of two blissful years of matrimony, how did El Capitan choose to mark this auspicious occassion? Why, by sending his fair dame S3 on DVD (with added bonus features!) and a bottle of champagne. Personally, I can think of no better way to celebrate. (Unless it was sharing said bottle of bubbly with Matth-- MY HUSBAND. Ahem.) And Diamond, that "gem" of a co-worker (I'm so witty.) who had provided me 12 glorious months of LOST eyecandy while simultaneously reminding me of your upcoming birthday, is also deserving of mad props. (Oh yeah, and Ma--ahem, SANTA-- gave me a puzzle of the hatch for Christmas. But since I have a one year old who would eat dirt if you didn't keep an eye on him, the 500 piece puzzle remains in its box until the "I-will-eat-everything-I-see" stage passes.)

So along with all this, the rehashing and revisiting and rewinding of S3, and the staring at and drooling over Jack in January, I've also been watching the mobisodes. (Ooh, spell check hates that word. Come to think of it, so do I...) And while most of them are pretty much a waste of about 2.6 minutes, there have been a few worthy of the expression that I have named The Chiz. (imagine your head cocked to the left, parallel with your shoulder. Or, if you're in the area, just stop by the desk and say something befuddling. You'll see what I mean.) Anyway, one of those perplexing moments came in the mobisode dubbed "Buried Secrets" where in Sun, (aka Daniela Choi, as indicated by the California drivers' license she was burying in the ground noted) and Michael ALMOST MADE OUT. I'm not sure whether to be excited or disgusted. Given Sun's previous disposition to sleep with the hottest men EVER, I think I'll have to opt for the latter. The only other mobisode worth noting is "Room 23," in which it appears that Waaaaalt is being a bad little boy while being subjected to the same brainwashing rave through which our buddy Karl suffered. However, unlike Karl, Waaaaaaalt is fighting the power by killing birds. Or something. Whatever. He's "special." We get it.

So, with all that being said, mark your (sexy new) calendars for January 31 @ 9:00pm (Thursdays? Really?), the date LOST triumphantly returns in a spectacular 2 hour premiere. (Although I'm sure you know as well as I do by now that "2 hour premiere" really means "1 hour of some ridiculous recap and 1 hour of the real thing.) And, if you're looking for some teaser fun, go here to read all about Matthew Fox's thoughts on S4. Then, turn your volume up and go here, where MF waxes philosophical on why it's so necessary that LOST set an end date, blah, blah, blah, I'm a wicked hottie. Finally, go here for some more interesting tidbits from MF, including a quote from him on the importance of Time in LOST, where he states, "Time is a major theme in LOST, and will play a huge role." Straight from the source, folks! He also mentions that there will be more flashbacks mingled in with the new flashforwards. I hope I can keep it all straight.

Finally, I had an epiphany while watching S3 last night, one you are free to discuss and debate amongst yourselves. The voice that eerily booms "Previously, on LOST..." Who is that?! Perhaps (and humor me here...) it's the Guy in the Coffin? Just a thought...