Bree's LOST blog

"Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here -- this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink." ~"Live Together, Die Alone"

Friday, February 29, 2008

For those anxiously awaiting my new post...

... you'll just have to wait longer. I need to go back and rewatch last night's Desmond-centric episode. I'm sure I missed most of it, and as John Locke said himself last week, "You might catch something you missed the second time around." As such, I will heed his advice and revisit last night's "The Constant" before delighting you with my words. :)

Monday, February 25, 2008


OMG. I just heard that either Jin, Sun, or Sawyer will kick it before episode 9 of THIS season!!!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Best Baby Name Ever and Daddy Chimes In...

Though I have remained unsuccessful in unearthing the recorded teenaged angst of my youth to prove it, I resolutely stand by my claim that I picked out my son's name first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With that said, OMG, WHAT A FANTASTIC FREAKING EPISODE.

I'll admit, when LOST flashed across the screen at the conclusion of last night's episode, the Kate-centric "Eggtown," my first thought wasn't that Aaron was, you know, Aaron, like Aaron Aaron, Claire's Aaron. I was all like, "Well, that's silly, why did Kate name Sawyer's baby Aaron? That must have been a little awkward." That then made way for "............whaaaaaaaaaa?!When did Kate do the dirty with the father of Claire's baby?!!" Which then made way for the "...ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" moment that followed shortly thereafter. (Hey, I won't lie and say that I'm always the brightest crayon in the box!)

So, after that hit, where we find out that Kate is now raising Baby Aaron is a fantasticly nice house, no doubt purchased with her generous settlement from Oceanic Airlines, I would have to say that the most intriguing tidbits of information came in the two minute testimony of Hot Future Jack. While Kate is on trial for a number of crimes, among them Arson, Fraud, Larceny, Grand Theft Auto, and Murder in the First, Jack is called to testify as a character witness, and in his testimony were become privy to what has become The Story of the Oceanic 6. Now, I must think that everything that Jack said on the stand was false, since in his post-trial meeting with Kate in the parking lot, she said something to the effect of "I've heard that story so many times, I'm starting to believe it." In his super-short-but-oh-so-enlightening testimony, Jack mentions 8 survivors of Oceanic 815, and that they landed in the water. He sings Kate's praises as hero of the group, going on to say that they would have starved if not for her, blah, blah, blah. And just when he was getting to the good stuff, the stuff they've been telling the general public, the stuff we want to know for all that's good and holy, Kate stands up and interrupts. Damn her.

So yeah, Kate's rich, has a good make up artist, and is raising Claire's child. But wait.... Psychic Austrailian Guy was adamant about Claire raising the baby herself, so are we to assume that Claire is dead? Well, with this show, I wouldn't assume anything. Also, what's with Jack and his unwillingness to hang out with the kid? Is it because he found out that he's the kid's freakin' uncle?!! Theories abound...

...and none other than my own Daddy has chimed in! So, courtesy of my father (with a little of my own theory thrown in for good meaure), chew on this: While we are to believe that there is only one more person to be revealed as a member of the Oceanic 6, and that person is the one in the coffin, perhaps we shouldn't consider Sayid as one of them. After all, all the other survivors have shown up in each other's futures, with the exception of Sayid, who seems to be on some sort of covert mission with Ben to.... what? Kill off anyone who might come close to finding out the truth about what happened to the remaining survivors? Protect the Oceaninc 6 from people who want them killed or want something else from them? So maybe there are only 4 of the 6 who have been revealed thus far. Then you have all the other factors thrown in: should Ben be counted since he wasn't on the plane? Does Aaron count since he was born on the island? Yada, yada, yada, the point is: we don't know! Will we ever know? I don't know!

The lesser points of order last night, the ones that have surely been wiped from your memory, since, if you're like me, your brain is just full (italics are fun!) are certainly no less important. Kudos to Sawyer for finally saying what needed to be said to Kate, even if all he got for his trouble was a bitch slap in the face, but hey, it's true!! Locke is falling apart again, and Ben is back to his mind games tricks again. Claire's wig looked pretty horrific, and quote of the night goes to Hurley and his "You totally just Scooby-Dooed me, didn't you?" Jack is getting antsy on the beach, and can't you just see the Kwon's living happily ever after in Albuquerque? Yeah, me neither.

Next week's Desmond-centric episode will be shedding some light on just why Dezzy-Do, Sayid , and Co. haven't yet made it back to the freighter. Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with that tricky 30 minute time warp. Just a guess.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dear East Coasters,

... lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala, I can't hear you, lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala. 


Wednesday, February 13, 2008


....the link to my other (new) blog.


The end is here! The writers are back to work!! So, HURRY UP AND WRITE SOME MORE FANTASTIC LOST EPISODES!!

Ahem. Writers, congratulations to you on negotiating an acceptable contract for your union. I am most happy for you.

OK, down to business. First off, CONGRATULATIONS to our own Lois Lane, who is tying the knot (for realsies) this weekend. YAY! BUT, in celebration of those impending nuptials, I will be unable to blog about this week's LOST. BUT, (it seems I will start every sentence with this capitalized conjunction!) this week's episode, from what I hear, will leave you gasping for air, anyway, so by the time you recover from that, I will be ready to dish!

Have a good weekend! :)

Thursday, February 07, 2008

It's time...

There comes a time when you just have to admit to yourself that you have no earthly idea what is going on on this show. For me, that time came at 10:02 PST on February 7, 2008. Congratulations, LOST, you win!