He's Our You/What Happened, Happened
At this point, I'm sure my apologies are falling on deaf ears. But if you ONLY KNEW the week I had, I'm sure you could find it in your cold, blackened hearts to forgive me.
So, since I'm waaay behind on the one true love in my life, (sorry, Ian, but I've accepted that I'll always be #2 to BSG, so you'll have to accept that LOST comes first), I'll apologize in advance for my condensed recaps of the Sayid-centric "He's Our You," and last week's magnificent, Kate-centric "What Happened, Happened."
OK. Dive in.
After busting a cap in some Unknown's a**, Sayid meets Ben in the alley somewhere in uh...Russia? (It's been two weeks, give me a break), where Ben tells him, "That's all, folks!" Killing in the name of protecting the Left-Behinders has come to a close. Move on with your life, Sayid. But, see, that's the thing: all his life, Sayid has only ever been a killer. Enter self-realization guilt. Whilst Sayid drinks away said guilt, he gets chatted up by some hottie all up in his bidness, then they go get it on, and she BEATS THE CRAP OUT OF HIM and we realize (and by "we" I mean "Sayid" since we all recognized Ilana from Ajira flight 316) that this chick is a bounty hunter who has tracked Sayid down for the murder of That Guy on the Golf Course, and is delivering him to said Guy's family to answer for said cold-blooded murder.
Irony/coincidence/luck has never bothered our favorite Iraqi before, but as he boards the plane with Crazy Ass Bounty Hunter, he notices his fellow O6ers, and begs to take the next plane. No such luck, Sayid, no such luck.
OK, let's fast-forward a bit. Sayid gets to Island, circa 1977. Runs into Jin and Dharma peeps. Is mistaken for a hostile. Thrown in jail cell. Is given a tuna sandwich by 12-year old Ben. Argues with Sawyer, king of Dharmaville over whether or not to run away, leave, and never return. Doesn't. Gets tortured by Hippie Guy With Drugs Who Lives In a Tent. Says he's from the future, and pisses off the Dharma peeps. Gets all "gonna-bust-you,-Ben's-dad-you-best-watch-yo'self." Gets broken out of jail by Ben in return for his promise to deliver him to the Others. Ben and Sayid flee into Jungle. Get stopped by Jin. Puts ninja moves on Jin, rendering him unconscious. Shoots Ben, runs into jungle.
OMG, HE KILLED BEN! (That bastard! Ha. Sorry. Wrong show.)
So much for that stipulation by Faraday not to eff with events that already occured.
After "He's Our You" aired, I was fully onboard with Doc Jensen's theory, recapped (sans crazy ramblings, as he is wont to do)
What if Young Ben neither lives nor dies in this episode but instead...falls into a coma? What if the rest of season 5 proceeds with the tension of knowing (and worrying) that should Ben die, history-negating paradox may occur? [...] What if the final season of Lost will tell the story of the all-new, all-different, Ben-free history of the castaways, which will include a moment where Jack and Sayid find ''one of them'' in Rousseau's nets, and when they go and investigate, they will find a guy that they don't recognize, a guy who will call himself ''Henry Gale,'' a guy who was always meant to be on the Island and rule the Others instead of Ben, a guy we know as...John Locke?
Creepy, huh? Don't you love it?!
So this past week's Kate-centric "What Happened, Happend" showed us, exactly, what happened to the-child-after-whom-I-did-NOT-name-my-own-child. It seems the long-speculated-upon helicopter whisper from Sawyer to Kate was, as most predicted, a plea to check in on his daughter, Clementine. And surprise! You know Clem's mom! And surprise again! You'll end up being BFF.
In her blunt manner, Dimples (Cassidy) tells Freckles (Kate) that Aaron is currently filling the void Sawyer left when he leapt from the "airpane." (Ian, to his chagrin, has yet to teach our son the difference between fixed-wing and rotor aircraft.) Um, ok, but the fierceness with which Kate loves that kid is almost tangible. I buy into Cassidy's theory just slightly.
Why, you ask? Here's why: When Kate was saying goodbye to sleeping Aaron--she MEANT it. Her "bye-bye, Baby" almost sent me into convulsions. And it definitely made up for the feeling of wanting to smack the I-can't-decide-juice-or-milk kid. (Juice, kid. Juice.)
So while Sawyer later claims that he's grown up a lot in the three years since Kate and Co. left the building, I'll also wager that Kate's done a bit of maturing, as well. Her maternal instinct, (so we'll call it, since I know, Aaron's not her kid) has kicked in, in full. And although she knows who Ben will grow up to be, she, like Juliet (to whom I'm starting to feel more and more attached--I'll be pissed if, according to rumor, they kill her off at the end of the season), can't stand by and watch an innocent child suffer.
My only remaining question is this: Was Sayid having an off-night? He's had no problem with his aim heretofore. Or would The Island not let Ben die? Hmm...
P.S. I vote for a Hurley-Miles spin off!! Loved it!