Muchos apologies. Apparently, I forgot how to log into my blog, so I'm a few days late with this post. I have faith that you'll be ok.
Anyway, on with the show. So, what did y'all think of this week's Sun-centric "D.O.C." I thought some of it was fairly predictable, to be honest with ya. For example, in Sun's flashback, we see that she is being blackmailed by a woman who clues Sun in that not only is her brand-new hubby the son of a poor fisherman, he is also the son of a prostitute. Random Woman threatens to release this shameful gossip on perezhilton.com (not really, but you know what I mean) is Sun doesn't come up with $100,000 in three days. Um, seriously, who didn't see it coming that the woman was herself Jin's mother? Doy. Anyway, courtesy of our flashbacks, we figure out that Sun will do a lot of things that no one thought her capable of when it comes to protecting those she loves from shame. Up to and including blackmailing her father and ultimately selling her husband into a life of crime.
Back in the present day, Sun gets all feisty when she becomes suspicious of Juliet and her motives in Survivorville. After a fairly tame interrogation, Juliet reveals to Sun that women who get pregnant on the island die, then whisks her away to that creepy hatch with all the medical hootennanny in it. Conveniently enough, there just happens to be an ultrasound machine in there, that surprise surprise can answer the long-awaited "who's the baby daddy?'" question. While in the medical hatch (the politically correct Dharma name presently escapes me) Juliet, who seems quite eager and willing to flap her jaw about anything Sun wants to know, reveals that the island does, indeed, seem to have many a healing ability. Why, did you know that the average male's sperm count is between 60 and 80 million, but here on this godforsaken spit of land, it's 5 times that. (Good grief, Aaron Brown!) In her fit of verbal diarrhea, Juliet also mentions that 9 women have died in the 3 years she's been on the island, and none of them made it to their third trimester. That gives our favorite Korean about 2 more months before she kicks it.
Oh, and the baby is Jin's.
Let's switch gears and pick apart the subplot now, eh? So Naomi is still unconscious at the beginning of the episode, and Hurley accidentally sets off her flare gun. (1 of 2 best lines of the night, "... Oops.") A few minutes later, Mikhail, the guy we thought was dead comes running out of the jungle, sees our fantastic foursome, and runs right back into the jungle, where he is ultimately tackled and restrained by kung-fu-tastic Jin. Um, OK. First question: WTF? We all saw Mikhail foam at the mouth and bleed from the ears, so how is this guy alive? (disclaimer: this is the part of the blog where I must suck it up and accept the "I TOLD YOU SO!" from JLS, who, in all honesty, did, in fact, tell me so.) Secondly, are we to assume that Naomi and Mikhail are co-conspirators? Was the flare supposed to be a signal from her to him? An "I'm here, come and get me" type thing? I mean, she did have what appeared to be a fantastically modern piece of communication equipment, which, as we all know, is right up Mikhail's alley. They also seem to communicate pretty well together, since he can understand her in spite of her I-have-a-branch-in-my-belly-and-I'm-speaking-quietly-and-in-Portuguese disposition. Um, P.S. Mikhail, she did not say "Thank-you for saving me" when you stabbed her in the lung and pulled out a branch from her torso, she said (in Portuguese) "I am not alone." Hmmmm.
Also, it must be said: (my husband will appreciate this) YOU CANNOT EJECT FROM A HELICOPTER. Think about those really fast, whirling thingies on top of the aircraft. They would slice you right in half.
Finally, Naomi (who is in my mind an Other until proven not) revealed to Hurley at the end of the episode (2nd of 2 best lines occurs when Hurley, who's playing with Naomi's phone holds it up to his ear, listens, and says, "... Mom?" hahahahahahahahaha) that 815 had been found, sans survivors: "Flight 815? The one from Sydney? That's not possible. They found the plane. There were no survivors. They were all dead." Um..... say what, now? Maybe we were all right a longlonglong time ago when we all figured out that the island is purgatory, and the producers were just pissed that we figured it out so quickly. So far, it seems to be the only reasonable thought. If all the survivors were killed, then this would have to be purgatory, and those that "die" on the island are going to either the pearly gates or to the fiery pits. Think about it. It would certainly explain why you can't have kids on the island. What that theory doesn't explain though, is .... well, everything else.
Ugh. This show confuses the bejeezus out of me.
Prepare yourselves: the next few weeks leading up to the season finale. If you don't want spoilers, stop here.
Next week's episode is Locke-centric, and the previews show the return of Locke, and him asking Sawyer's help in killing Ben. I hear that the flashbacks will be of a Michael-"3 Minutes" nature; flashing back to events that happened on the island, not before the island. My hypothesis: If Locke is enlisting Sawyer's help, it won't be long before Sawyer meets Locke's dad, who, if I'm correct, is the Real Sawyer. Also coming up before the season finale (which, I've read will knock your socks off. The Survivors split into two factions? One lead by Jack, the other by Sawyer, Locke, or Sayid? Mayyyyyyyybe.), we'll find out more about Roger Work Man who was found by Hurley in the Volkswagen bus and how he's related to Ben. Expect also to see more of Mikhail, and maybe, just maybe, be prepared to meet "Him."