Bree's LOST blog
"Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn't Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here -- this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe. There's no outside world. There's no escape. So, just go away, huh. Let me drink." ~"Live Together, Die Alone"
Every Man For Himself
I'll get to the main storyline as well as the flashbacks momentarily. The episode opens with a very Lockeian (as an English major, it says on my diploma that I am allowed to make up new words) camera angle, yet this time, it is circling around our (newly clothed) friend, Desmond, who is carefully observing Claire and baby Aaron. After her refusal to allow Desmond to mount her (roof), the next time we see Desmond (who my husband continually refers to as Paddy-in-the-Hatch) is striking up a conversation with the new guy, Paoulo (sp?) about golf. Stealing Paoulo's 5-iron, Desmond rigs up a lightening rod just before Claire, Aaron, and Charlie would have become dinner. OK, just a few things here: WHY? Why, Desmond, why?!! You couldn't have just sat back and enjoyed the show, could you? I mean, you could have single-handedly wiped out the two most annoying people on the island and even those (two) people who acutally liked the Hobbit and the Whiner could have been comforted by the fact that awww, they died together, bless their hearts. Desmond, you just lost 10 life points. Secondly, who's Paoulo?! We heard that Kiele Sanchez and Rodrigo Somebody (name presently escaping me) were joining the cast this season, but I had hoped it wouldn't be in this "introduce-them-as-if-they've-been-there-all-along" avenue the writers and producers seem to have taken. Uh, yeah, whatever. Anyway, on to the other stuff. Alright, I'm giving up on the LOST promotions. I was worried, as in really worried about this week after seeing the previews last week. Crap, I tell you, crap. And like a sucker, I was .... well, suckered. The seemingly huge moment, Kate's beleagured love confession, yeah, well, it was like 5 seconds of crap that really, in all honesty, had nothing to do with anything. Colleen died (woo hoo!) and her lovah, Danny, was a bit upset and took it out on Sawyer. (Seriously, people seem to have a thing with being the crap out of Sawyer... I think my next blog will simply be a list of people who have hit Sawyer.) Jack tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to help save Colleen, but without the aid of a crash cart (which was "broken".... uh, y'all might wanna go buy some more batteries, mmkay?) ultimately failed in doing so. Give the guy a break, fellas, you didn't ask for his help until Juliet the Non-Doctor had almost killed her anyway. It also appears that they just hand out medical degrees on this island. We learn that Juliet is a fertility doctor, something which I think will be of great importance in future episodes. Still, she attempts to go all spinal surgeon on Colleen before remembering (how convenient) that Jack actually is a real doctor. While scrubbing up (not really) Jack notices the x-rays of (supposedly) a 40something male with a tumor on his spine. Again, the reality that Jack is a spinal surgeon is not lost on anyone. According to the previews that we are supposed to believe, (never again, I tell you, never again) the x-rays we were viewing were Ben's. I don't buy into that, considering how well he beat the crap out of Sawyer, and who, with such ease, scaled a mountain that set off Sawyer's heart moniter. Maybe it will be Danny. Anyhoo....Sawyer and Kate. There's a match made in hell. Seriously, it's taken Kate how many days now to realize that she could fit through the bars at the top of her cage? Geez.... When she finally does climb out of captivity, a beleaguered (my new favorite word) and hope-deprived Sawyer refuses to go with her, telling her "It's every man for himself!" In response, Kate climbs back into her cage and retorts, "Live together, die alone." BOO YEAH! Eat that, Sawyer. My Jater faith is renewed once again!Via flashback, we learn that after Sawyer conned Cassidy out of her money, she pressed charges to land Sawyer in the jail where he currently resides. In order to free himself, he agrees to help the warden (frightening man, really he is) recover $10 million in stolen government funds in exchange for his freedom. So, con-man Sawyer cons Munson, the guy accused of stealing said funds, into telling him where the money is. During a seemingly unexpected prison visit from Cassidy, she reveals that James has a daughter, Clementine (oh my darlin', oh my darlin'...), who Sawyer then claims is not his. So after Sawyer recovers the money and hands it over to the government officials, he requests that his commission be set up in an anonymous account in Albequerque under the name Clementine Phillips (and don't think that Hormonal and Emotional Bree didn't tear up a bit on that one). Who knows? Maybe we'll find out that Cassidy was running her own con, knew about the $10 million, and was setting James up herself. With this show, you never know.
Missed that one...
My Spidey-powers are failing me. After reading Tripp's blog, I was a bit confused... Desmond can see the future? Yup, well, apparently so. I completely missed it while watching the episode Wednesday night, but Desmond reassures Hurley, "Don't worry, Locke's gonna go after them (Kate, Jack, and Sawyer). He said so in his speech." Yeah, the speech he hadn't made yet. It's so freaking obvious! I can't believe I missed it! Gosh! OK, so now maybe the ending makes a little bit more sense.... duh.
Further Instructions.... a.k.a. "...huh?!"
Let us begin with the question that is undoubtedly at the forefront of everyone's minds after viewing last night's episode, "Further Instructions:" "...huh?!" Compared with the first two episodes of the season, this week's showing was weak. It might have been due to the fact that most of the blood in my brain is currently residing in my feet, resulting in swelling of mammoth proportions, but I felt like a good acid trip would have been helped me better understand just exactly what was going on. Although, on the other hand, in typical LOST fashion, they do throw you a curveball once in awhile: who saw crazy Johnny Locke being a weed farmer coming? Not me, that's fo shizzle. I did, however, get a weird, cult-like, Heaven's Gate vibe from the community in which we saw Locke living (apparently post-Daddy and post-Helen). Things just started getting strange after that. I was hoping that we would have found out how Locke ended up in a wheelchair, but again, no such luck. Anyway, I should start at the beginning...So Johnny survived the hatch implosion (which, from what we saw, had that Marshmallow-Peep-In-The-Microwave-After-30-Seconds look to it)! Good for him! Admittedly, when the show opened, I myself had a sense of deja vu (just rewatch the opening of the pilot episode, and you'll know what I mean), and I half expected Vincent to come running out of the bush. Instead, we got Desmond running around in the buff. Which is almost the same thing. Anyway, after a game of Charades with Charlie, we learn that Locke wants to "speak to the Island," and we cut to the creepy music where LOST flashes on the screen. I think it was at this point where "...huh?!" first escaped my lips.After the first (of many, I might add! Holy advertising!) commercial break, things started to get trippy. Cue Weird Herbal Concoction/Hallucination Paste, and cut to airport dream sequence featuring the dearly departed Boone pushing a once-again wheelchair ridden John Locke around, and our cast of characters playing different airport roles. After scaling to the top of an escalator, and discovering Eko's blood-covered Jesus Stick, Locke has found his purpose: rescue Eko from the polar bear that has dragged him hither and yon throughout the jungle. And this is where my second "...huh?!" occurred. First of all, just what exactly in that dream told Locke about the polar bear that has ahold of our pseudo-priest? I saw nothing about as frickin' polar bear! Was that just an educated guess?!Locke's flashbacks proved to be just as perplexing. Posing as a farmer on some sort of communal ranch, we find out that Locke is actually aiding in the growing and/or distributing of some leafy goodness. His overall likeability on Weed Ranch is jeopardized when he picks up a hitchiker named Eddie, who is actually an undercover cop (really? they actually hire 15 year olds?!) OK, Riddle me this, Batman: If Eddie is an undercover cop, why were he and Locke pulled over? Just so as not to tip off Locke? And what cop on the face of the planet would just let someone with a pickup truck full of guns go? I was almost thrown in jail for having lip gloss in my purse on the way through security at the airport! Say it with me now, folks: "...huh?!"So Locke, back on Mystery Island, armed with nothing but hairspray and determination, plunges into the deep unknown (in this case, a creepy cave) to save Mr. Eko from the jaws (literally) of death (or, polar bear, as the case my be). Lockey succeeds in sparing Eko from becoming a Lunchable, and he and Charlie bear (hehe.... get it? I tell you, I just crack myself up!) the unconscious Eko back to Survivor City, where the farmer-turned-hunter vows to find our trinity of captives over in Otherville.... after they find some bandaids..... Riiiiiiiiiiiight. Pretty much a perplexing episode from opening to closing credits. I think, though, that perhaps the most "...huh?!" inducing moment was at the very end of the episode, which featured Hurley gazing at a rock-skipping Desmond, apparently having a very real sense of deja vu. Is it just me, or did that have absolutely nothing to do with anything?! "...Huh?!"Next week's episode looks pretty intense. I'm not sure what I make of that, other than thinking that Sayid's words last week about only needing two captives (one to help control the other) might not bode well for one of the three currently residing in Otherville. We shall see...
Close but no cigar...
Currently in Houston, visiting Ian's family, but I will be back in San Diego tonight, hopefully in time for tonight's episode. I thought, however, that a few of you might be interested to know that my connecting flight from Austin to Houston was flight 814. Dammit! SO close...Well, anyhoo, tonight should be very exciting.... we have the return of the rest of them, and, apparently, it's a Locke-centric episode which will feature the return of a very dear (and departed) friend from season 1. Today's USA Today blurb reminds us where we left off with each of the survivors, which, in my mind raises a few questions for which to seek the answers tonight:1) Given Juliet's statement last week that "Sailing around in circles will keep them busy" (here referring to Sayid, Jin, and Sun) makes me think that Michael and Walt won't be getting too far in their little dinghy...2) USA Today reminded me that Claire and Charlie, when we last left them, had just kissed. It also reminded me how much I don't care about either of them.3) Hurley had just been chosen The Weakest Link by Miss Klugh.... where'd she take off to? 4) I hope Eko beats someone with his Jesus stick tonight. (Preferably, Claire and/or Charlie.):) Happy viewing
The Glass Ballerina
My humble apologies, devoted readers: this past week has been busy, and, when not busy, filled with snot (sexxxxxxxxxy....). (Although, according to my mother, advanced pregnancy coupled with head colds and various other ailments and afflictions do not a valid excuse make!) Anyway, enough of that, and on to the good stuff...So it appears that our Korean "good girl" is anything but! (*insert shocking gasp here*) When we last left Sun and Baldy (what's his real name? Jae?), the air was fraught, fraught, I tell you, with sexual tension. Heh, looks like they worked out that tension pretty well, eh? One pearl necklace and a surprise visit from Daddy Dearest (eeeek! How uncomfortably squirmy! I still maintain immaculate conception!!) later and we're back to present Islandtime, where Sun apparently hasn't yet learned her lesson and soldiers on in her rebellious wife behavior, disagreeing with Jin and aiding Sayid in his as-yet-unsuccessful rendezvous with Jack.Whew. That's a lot to take in just the first few minutes of the episode, but hey, at least we have an answer to one of our ever-increasing questions: yes, Sun is an adulterous blot, and has just lost 10 cool person life points in the Book 'O Bree. Tsk, Tsk. In true LOST form, however, they (who? THEY) would never answer a question without raising yet another one: now that we know Sun and Baldy did the dirty deed, just who is the father of her baby? Later in the episode, we find out that our favorite castaways have been on the island (mon) for 69 days, and, in my personal opinion, that's a long time to not know you're preggo. Whatever, you know they'll come up with something completely out of left field; it'll end up being Locke's baby or something ridiculous. (Ewwww.... mental picture.)Before we close this week's book on Jin and Sun, Baldy's "suicide" must be discussed. Am I the only one thinking that it was just a little too convenient that Baldy just happened to fall to his death.... on top of Jin's car? Am I alone in thinking that he wasn't entirely alone in room 1516 (didja catch that one?!) when he went up and over, pearls in hand? Somebody, somewhere (sorry, the link escapes me presently) claims to have seen Daddy Dearest a lil' roughed up at the funeral, perhaps indicating a bit of a brawl a few days prior? Hmmmm? However, my rewatching of the show as well as careful scrutiny of no less than 742 screencaps (.... what?! FYI, I prefer "thorough" as opposed to "obsessive" thankyouverymuch. It's all about the connotation, people!) availed nothing of the sort. Bottom line: I think we'll find out later that Baldy had a little, uh.... assistance in his downfall. (Haha, get it? Down... fall?! Oh, I just crack myself up sometimes!) Oh, and P.S., Sayid, I'm not entirely convinced that it's a good idea to head back to Survivor City by trekking through the jungle in the middle of the night. That might come back to bite you in the bum. Just a thought.Now, it must be said that ANY show that is already supremely spectacular couldn't, in all likelihood, better itself. Then along came LOST. By showing that final out, that ground ball to Foulk, those final seconds of the Greatest Comeback in the History of Sports, not only did LOST cease to be simply A Show That is Incredibly Awesome and and Obviously Addicting Because Let's Face It, Would I Really Waste My Time Blogging About a Mediocre Show? to The Best Show of All Time Ever. Period, but it made me cry. And I'm not afraid to admit that. And that's all I have to say about that.OK, on to our other captors. Wait. Sorry. CaptIVES. (Sorry, antibiotics, messing with my head.) First, a disclaimer: I am a Jater. I have refused to give up, but it seems that the Skaters have won this round. (And I do have to admit, that fish-biscuit-y kiss was pretty hot.) Sigh. I won't give up hope, though. Anyway, so here we thought Sawyer was being all clever, creating a diversion by tickling Kate's tonsils to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of our Other-ly compatriots, but then he had to go all shootin' his mouth off (typical of a Cherokee alum, I must add) so our voyeur-tastic buddy, Benry, is now in the loop as well. Smart, Sawyer, real smart.OK, I need to wrap this up. The rest of my thoughts, bullet-point style:* Alex + Carl = huh?Star crossed lovahs? The Others found out about their secret romance and punished them by locking Carl in a cage and stealing Alex's dress?*Colleen = rhymes with "witch" (I'm tryin', Ma!) Her and Danny (Denny?) got a lil' sumthin' sumthin' goin' on. Also (as much as I would wish it upon her), I don't think she's dead.*Jack = Holy apathy, Batman! Perk up, Jackie!Looking forward to next week, with the return of the rest of our survivors, as well as someone unexpected. Muahaha.
Friday the 13th
Happy Friday the 13th! Love, Boone
I've been nursing the wonderful head cold I caught from Ian for the past few days, so I apologize that I have yet to update on this week's show. I'm hoping to find the motivation to do so later today.
"You're Not My Type"
I was just reading USA Today, which features a little blurb about tonight's show. While it pretty much asks the same questions we've all been asking for a week now, there was one that I hadn't thought about: When Zeke tells Kate that she's not his "type," is he referring to her gender or her blood? Hmm.... never thought about that one. If we are keeping with our notion that this utopian society breeds solely to continue its existence, maybe he was referring to Kate's blood type. Food for thought, and certainly something to keep us thinking while we eagerly await tonight's episode.
Premiere continued....
Feel refreshed? OK, good, back at it...It seems to me that everyone thought the premiere was soooooo good, we saw sooooo many new things, blah, blah, blah. My thoughts? Nuh-uh! While I did think that the first five minutes were, in fact, pure LOST genius, I feel much was left to be desired. I'm fairly disappointed that we didn't see anything other than the trials and tribulations of our triumvirate of star-crossed lovers, pre-island freak-out Jack, and a glimpse of island life prior to the arrival of our unlucky passengers of flight 815. With such a cataclysmic ending to last season, I personally would have liked to see how everyone fared. Next week, I suppose. Oh well. Onward and upward.Ok, so, apparently, I need to switch doctors, and have The Others do all my labwork, since it appears, as evidenced by both Jack's and Kate's arms, that they can actually hit the vein on the first try! (Don't even get me started on those Navy doctors....grr.) And just why are The Others getting all Dracula-like on our buddies? Who knows?!! (Don't you just love this show?) And while they didn't show it, screencaps via the LOST website show that they did, indeed, take Sawyer's blood, too. (See photo number 16 of 43). And while we're on the screencaps, check out ..... wait a minute. Oooooo. Earlier today, while I was looking at the screencaps, there was a picture of a little girl in the holding cell with Jack, but it has apparently been taken down. Verrrrrrrry interesting. OK, never mind. Sorry about that. (For those who didn't see it, a girl looking very much like the little girl who was with the Tailies and was abducted by The Others was in the holding cell with Jack, and it was super creepy.) So, now, I suppose, we should talk about each member of our ill-fated love triangle. We'll start with Jack, my favorite, because.... well, it's my blog and I can do what I want. So there.Considering that Jack apparently graduated from medical school an entire year early, he sure doesn't think things all the way through. We saw him at the beginning of the episode stalking his soon-to-be ex-wife, Sarah, outside of a school (where a coupla guys, they were up to no good, started making trouble in the neighborhood.... oops, sorry, wrong show). Riddle me this, Batman: he SEES "the other guy" BEFORE he suspects his father, so what in the name of God's Green Goodness is the basis of his suspicions regarding Christian?! It just doesn't make sense! (Uh, hello, like anything on this show does!) We also find out that, prior to Jack's little bust-in on Christian's AA meeting, Daddy dearest had been sober for 50 days. (C'mon writers! Holy missed opportunity, Batman! Could've been 48 days...) So now it seems that there are 2 possible reasons for Christian's down-under adventures, and both of them are ultimately Jack's fault. Though, not gonna lie, I think Jackie boy did the right thing ratting out Daddy for OWI (for those of you not acronym-friendly, that's operating while intoxicated. Doy.) Although, I guess Jack's technically responsible for that, too, huh? Oi vey. Moving on to present-time Jack.We learn that he is being held in an underwater hatch called The Hydra, which used to be some sort of holding aquarium for sharks and/or dolphins. Would these sharks happen to have the Dharma logo on their tails like we saw in the S2 premiere?!.... Things that make you go hmmmmm...On to our damsel in distress. Raise of hands by the people who thought the "here, put on this skimpy, cleavage-enhancing dress" was just a tad creepy..... riiiiiiight. Other (haha, I'm so pun-tastic) than her breakfast date with Benry (which I find to be an acceptable substitution for Fenry, dontcha think?) we don't really see a whole lot of our freckled friend. What we did see, however, raised many more questions. Unless she specifically asked for scrambled eggs and the bastards brought her fried eggs, my thoughts are that one's wrists don't usually look like that after breakfast. So what happened? The rumors I have heard, both online and via radio commentary, suggest that, in an effort to continue to populate the aforementioned utopian society, Kate was raped. While that might explain her clearly upset expression and why she pretty much burst into tears when she saw Sawyer, truth be told, I think that's a bit risque for LOST. Something traumatic definitely happened, and hey, maybe she was artificially inseminated or something, but let's not jump to conclusions quite yet. I mean, they did give her flips flops with that dress. Maybe she just stubbed her toe or something. Either way, I'm beginning to think Sawyer will be there to comfort her when the truth comes out. You know, comfort her like he comforted Ana-Lucia. Catch my drift?Sawyer, on the other hand, seems to be adapting to his new digs pretty well. Quote of the night goes to Zeke: "Well, lookie there, you got yourself a fish biscuit." Personally, I can't think of anything more appetizing than a fish biscuit, but darn it all to heck (better, Ma? she says I need to watch my language) if fish doesn't have mercury in it, and we all know that mercury's bad for little Ziggy. Apparently, Sawyer agrees with me, considering how quickly he offered his delicacy to Kate. Zeke's next comment, however, shed some light on an as-yet-unsolved island mystery: "Only took the bears 2 hours." Was he talking about polar bears?! And P.S.: Who is Carl? Why is he important? Stop bringing in all these new characters! I can hardly keep up with the ones we've got! I'm sure he'll prove to be important later, and that he'll pop up again somewhere unexpected. Whatever.My brain hurts.
"A Tale of Two Cities"
*cracks knuckles, rolls shoulders* OK, kids, let's dive right in:Well, I don't know what I was expecting in the first five minutes of last night's premiere, but it certainly wasn't that. I figured out as soon as we saw this girl that she was gonna be Juliet, the new girl. But that's about as much as I got right. Whoever she is, (or whoever she was on September 22, 2004), she doesn't seem very happy with her life: her actions throughout that opening sequence suggest to me that she was about to experience some sort of breakdown. (Think Jessie Spano-esque freak out.) Then they cut to the bookclub meeting. I heard on the radio this morning that some of The Others we've seen before were in attendance, but that was news to me, I didn't recognize anyone in that living room. I do think, however, a few hints were dropped:1- I don't know if it's important, or if they're just running out of names, but the man Juliet (and were they calling her Julie?) was arguing with was named Adam. Shannon's father was named Adam. Like I said, I don't know if there's significance or not, but do with that what you will.2- The bookclub is reading some book by Stephen King. I've read that close ups indicate that it is "Carrie," but I'm not positive. This same radio DJ from this morning was talking about one of King's short stories, "The Dark Tower," I believe, and how that story is about a utopian society run amock. That would seem to make more sense to me. The opening scene did seem rather Pleasantville to me. After we see what appears to be an earthquake, everyone runs outside (uh, hello?) to see flight 815 break apart and crash into the island. We see Fenry giving orders to Ethan and Goodwin, demanding lists in 3 days. Tripp West speculates that, due the nature of their interaction, as well as some comments made during the bookclub meeting, Fenry (who will always be Fenry and never Ben to me) and Juliet are married or possibly estranged. I don't know about that, and I would be willing to go out on a limb and say that it's not Fenry and Juliet who are married, but rather Ethan and Juliet. He was the one outside her house attempting (what looked like unsuccessfully) to fix her plumbing problem. Whatever. Unimportant at this time. Let's talk about the "free will" comment, yeah? Whoa. Creepy. Juliet gets all up in arms and says something to the effect of "Are we supposed to believe that free will actually still exists?!" Hmmm....makes me wanna jump on the whole utopian society bandwagon, and claim that no one in this society has a say in what goes on, namely who they marry, when they have kids, etc. Smells like 1984 to me... My last point on this subject.... Fenry, right before LOST flashes on the screen, says "So I guess I'm out of the bookclub?" to Juliet. Uh, I didn't realize he was in the bookclub. He wasn't in the house. Did he forget to pay his dues? Perhaps forget the secret handshake? Wow, pretty Nazi-esque bookclub if they'll kick you out for missing a meeting. But then again, didn't Adam say it was Ben who suggested the book, even though Juliet, as the host, picked the book? I don'tknow. Hmm, and all that on just the first five minutes. I'll give you a potty break before I go on. Go on and grab a Coke while you're at it. More to come....
"And the Air Fairly Crackles With Excitement and Anticipation"
Haha. The title of this blog comes straight from the mouth of my mother. Needless to say, I believe we're all pretty excited for tonight's premiere. (T minus 9 hours to go.... for us unlucky Pacific timers.... Just so you know, anyone on the East Coast who calls me after they've seen it tonight to ruin anything will face my pregnant wrath. Be forewarned!) Here are some things to look out for tonight:1- It has been brought down the Mount by Saints Lindelof, Cuse, and Carlton, and shall be cast on stone: THOU SHALT NOT MISS THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES OF TONIGHT'S EPISODE. Major revelations, here, people, heed the warning. And don't say I didn't warn ya.2- Jaters, brace yourselves. As much as we would like to see Jack and Kate get it on, we must face reality. The producers have taunted us by saying that Kate will "get with someone" in the first few episodes, but they have also been not-so-tightlipped about Jack's interest in the new girl. Last season's undressing with the eyes on the dock between Jack and Kate may have lead us to believe great things were to come, but I fear this shall not be the case. Mommy's theory: Kate "chooses" one of them (most likely Sawyer), but not of her own volition. Sound theory, Ma, I like it. (And don't worry, if you're wrong, you won't be stoned.... I've already posted what is already developing to be wrong information, and yet, I apparently still have an audience.... HAHAHA, MY EVIL PLAN IS WORKING... Ok, yeah, maybe not so much, maybe everyone else is just as addicted as I am, and I'm the only geek with enough time and patience to actually write it all down...) 3- I already have "Downtown" stuck in my head. If you don't know what this means, you will. 4- Lastly, I must insist on the Rules of Watching Lost: *Thou shalt not, above all else, talk while the show is on. Complete concentration is imperative. *Talking shall be done only during commercials. *Unplug the phone, should anyone be rude enough to call you when they know it's PREMIERE NIGHT. *Bring a pen and write down any questions you may have. You can discuss during commercial breaks. *Bring a pen anyway. You'll forget half of the stuff you see. *Leave comments/questions via this blog, and I will do my best to answer them. (Or tell you straight up that I have no F-ing idea.) If we all adhere to these rules, I am sure this viewing will be nothing less than titillating, and the world will be a better place. Happy Viewing.
Late-breaking SPOILERS.... Read On At Your Own Risk
OK, do with this what you will... Spoiler or Foiler?Both Tripp West and SpoilerFix claim that, in spite of previous notions that the first episode of S3, "A Tale of Two Cities," would be Kate-centric, it will be, in fact Jack-centric and feature flahsbacks of "Doctor Smiley" "los(ing) it... when he suspects wife Sarah of having an affair with his boozin' dad. Desmond turns up post-hatch explosion naked." (Not that Desmond being nakey is terribly important, but hey, we take what we can get with this show, don't we?) But back to the more revelatory information: Sarah and Daddy Dearest. OMG WTF ARE YOU SERIOUS? I certainly hope not, that might end up being juuuuust a bit too much of a stretch for me to wrap my head around. (And there's a lot to wrap your head around with this show.... I mean seriously, nanobot smoke monsters? Uh-huh.)